In Maine OUIs can be the result of a vehicle, snowmobile or boating event and all have different levels of severity in the eyes of the courts. Generally, Maine has stiff OUI laws.
Operating Under the Influence (OUI) in Maine in a serious offense, especially if there has been property damage, injury of a person, or death. Nonprofits like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have worked to increase the penalties for OUI offenses in Maine and elsewhere, and depending upon the details and the court your case is presented to you may be looking at jail time even on a first offense. You need attorneys who understand the local courts and how to present your case in such a way that will earn you a non-custodial disposition (ie “no jail”).
In Maine OUIs can be the result of a vehicle, snowmobile or boating event and all have different levels of severity in the eyes of the courts. Your OUI in Maine can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending upon:
- Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
- Number of offense (first offense, second, etc)
- Reckless Driving or Endangerment
- Property Damage
- Injury
- Death
Each of these comes with set fines and penalties that your attorney must work hard to reduce. We persistently look for issues of police misconduct or where probable cause for the stop was missing, first. It is always our hope to have a case dismissed rather than plead out. However, we will do whatever it takes to get your penalties minimized if we cannot get the case dismissed including looking for programs that you can take or services to the community that can be performed.

Trying to reduce your fines on an OUI is the job of an experienced OUI attorney, especially at a time when the state is in dire need of revenues and the courts are not prone to giving up a chance at bringing in more money.
Unfortunately, Maine OUI lawyers routinely have to deal with additional issues of state “revenue collection”. In addition to jail time, the State of Maine loves to collect fees and fines for just about everything. Trying to reduce your fines on an OUI is also the job of an experienced OUI attorney, especially at a time when the state is in dire need of revenues and the courts are not prone to giving up a chance at bringing in more money.
At the Law Office of Scott H. Hess we believe in second chances and we know that human beings are not perfect. Sometimes we get caught in our imperfections and other times we don’t. Your OUI shouldn’t ruin your life or possibility of a career. Let us help.
We will actively work to get your license un-suspended so that you can work. We will work tirelessly to get the charges reduced or dismissed.